Viva Carlos' Magical Blog Hop

Jumping on the bandwagon, also L's rainbow unicorn is ADORABLE.

7 great things/strengths in your riding life
  1. I board at a great barn that is affordable AND has great care, and I'm able to be involved in my pony's daily care and make my own management decisions.
  2. Dedication and Passion - I've pretty much given myself to this sport.
  3. Support from my husband. Michael makes it happen.
  4. A pony I really enjoy riding and being with.
  5. Years of knowledge.
  6. Valuable resources in the form of knowledgable friends and excellent trainers.
  7. Patience and Persistence.

7 things you lack/covet for your horse
  1. My own farm.
  2. An indoor arena
  3. BoT sheet.
  4. A dressage saddle.
  5. A custom jump saddle.
  6. Unlimited funds.
  7. Regular massage/chiro for Dino.

7 things that make you angry
  1. Neglectful horse owners. If you can't take care of it, get rid of it. 
  2. People who don't clean up after themselves in the barn.
  3. "Trainers" who put their clients and horses in dangerous situations.
  4. Spoiled brats.
  5. Those who try to medicate their horse's problems away instead of getting a good veterinary opinion and taking the time to train correctly. 
  6. People who talk in a mean, nasty tone to their horses. There's just no need for that. 
  7. Those who create and perpetuate barn drama. No need for that, either.

7 things you neglect to do or cut corners on
  1. Washing blankets. Like, ever.
  2. Cleaning my tack in the winter. That just doesn't happen.
  3. Keeping the dry lot clean. I go on a spree a few times a year, but otherwise... nope.
  4. Cleaning Dino's feed bucket. That thing is nasty.
  5. Re-rolling polos after I ride so they're ready for the next time. I always regret this one.
  6. Cleaning my grooming tools.
  7. Bringing clean saddle pads/polos/girths/etc. to the barn after they've been washed instead of letting them live in my office/on the couch/in my car.

7 most expensive things that you own for your horse/riding
  1. Cotner Squire 2-Horse Trailer: $5,500
  2. Pessoa Gen-X Saddle: $750
  3. GPA Titium Helmet: $400
  4. Ariat Challenge Boots: $300
  5. Simco Western Trail Saddle: $250
  6. RJ Classics Show Coat: $130
  7. Ariat Olympia Breeches: $130
I rock for getting most of these things used or on sale! 

7 guilty pleasures or favorite items
  1. Grooming my pony. I could spend HOURS.
  2. Roeckl Chester gloves. Luxurious.
  3. Saddle pads. All the pretty saddle pads.
  4. Leather halter with blue padding and nameplate. 
  5. Breeches. Yes. 
  6. Wicking technical-fabric shirts for riding. 
  7. My trailer.

7 things you love about horses and riding
  1. Making a connection with another living being.
  2. The way that everything else disappears when I'm riding.
  3. The fact that there is always something new to learn and try in this sport.
  4. The mental & physical challenge. 
  5. The feeling of accomplishment that only comes from long hours of hard work.
  6. Being able to be outside.
  7. The way that horses have allowed me to grow & change.


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