
I'd like to take a moment to give a shout-out to Michael, aka The Guy Who Makes It Happen.

I consider myself exceptionally blessed to have a husband who really, truly cares about and appreciates what I do. So many spouses leave their horse-obsessed partners high and dry when it comes to supporting their passion. The horses are "not their thing" and they merely tolerate the time and money their significant other spends at a barn. Sometimes they even become fiercely jealous of the resources that get spent on horses. Have you SEEN the COTH forums?! A marriage counselor could make a fortune helping the couples on there!

But somehow, I lucked out. I got Michael. He helps me feed, turn out, and muck the barn. He doesn't complain about the long hours I spend at the farm, because he knows I love it and it's good for me, body and soul. Even though we're on a budget, he never lets me scrimp on tack, equipment, and supplies. It's gotta be top quality, or nothing, so we save up if we have to. He drives my trailer EVERYWHERE. He gets up at ridiculous hours of the morning to take me to horse shows. He's my personal photographer.

Michael watches clinic videos, horse movies, and instructional youtube videos with me. We pore over horse magazines together and window-shop for our next gear purchases. When I wax rhapsodic about an incredible lesson or training session, he listens. Really listens. He comforts me when I just have to cry out of frustration. Michael is the one voice constantly pushing me to do my best, conquer my fears, keep learning, and keep improving. He sacrifices hard-earned money and precious time to take me to lessons and clinics. He loves to give my pony treats, and is turning into a damn good rider in his own right.

And his butt looks great in breeches.

Without this guy, my situation would be very different.  I'm so fortunate to have Michael to support me and cheer me on, and share this crazy equestrian journey.


  1. That's awesome :) A supportive partner makes it all the more enjoyable.

  2. It totally does, Lauren! I have a 'built-in' friend for every adventure :)

  3. Supportive partners are everything, worth their weight in gold.


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