All Quiet On The Western Front

Ironically, a more square halt than in our actual test...
Is it just me, or are a lot of bloggers taking a bit of a break from writing at this point in time!?

My apologies for my own radio silence as of late - there is A LOT going on in Pony'Ville these days, including some very exciting stuff that I'll be able to disclose in a few weeks' time. But while my attentions are very much divided among other adulty things, the blog is unfortunately the first thing to go on the chopping block.

Dino's still doing great and we are both enjoying a little bit of a let-down period in riding and training. It's been obscenely hot out here, and Dino's ever-thickening coat makes work pretty much impossible in the summertime heat and humidity. I'm not quite ready to clip him yet, so we're both taking a break. I'm also pretty sure we're done showing for the year, and I have to admit it's kind of nice to know that there isn't another competition looming on the horizon!

Hunt season is about to get into full swing, and I'm looking forward to getting out there and running down some foxes with my best buddy! As long as the temperature drops, that is.


  1. I also feel like the blogs have slowed lately. It's a bummer, but I understand because my own have slowed. I've tried to up my comments game a bit, and tried to at least get a couple out each week even if I can't get a full 5 done. I hope it picks back up again!

  2. Temperatures here are dropping today!! It's gonna be really nice hopefully for a little while! Hunting sounds idyllic too, and yay adulty things!

  3. I know that i have not blogged much. Between work and taking a break there's not a lot to write about

  4. I think in part everyone was expecting fall and got... more summer. When it's this hot and horses already have some hair, it makes it hard to get things done.

  5. Before I clicked to see if you'd posted anything new, I was thinking this exact thing! People seem to be a bit silent.... Which I think is perfectly understandable. It's almost October! That means Thanksgiving plans, Christmas shopping (god forbid but if we wanna do things early....), money saving... Yeah, super adulty things haha.

  6. Yup - I've been MIA for a bit too. Not riding much lately :(

  7. I've been posting but my pony related content has been super sparse! I think unless you're doing finals and what not, it's kind of a slow down period for showing. Everyone's kind of taking a breath after the busy summer season.
    Glad to hear all is well with you and the wonder pony though! Can't wait to hear about your news!

  8. Blogs definitely have a cycle, there is the fall and winter lull and the ramp up in spring and summer. Factor in age of the blogger and life things (weddings, babies, houses etc) and then you have the continual drop off and pick up. I venture most bloggers fall into the early 20-late 30s age bracket meaning most of the life changes and demands of careers are being felt and then thrown into full throttle. Glad you and Dino are doing well!

  9. It has been a bit quite lately for me too! Glad to hear the update and I'm hoping that everyone is able to post a bit more soon. I've missed reading more posts from everyone :)


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