I Was Due

I haven't had an outrageous vet bill since the summer I got Dino, so I guess I'm due for one.

Over the past week or so Dino's been kind of stiff behind. Some days he seems to work out of it, and then today it was nearly impossible for me to get him to push from his hind end. His weak stifle has been popping out more than usual, and he feels like he has literally no energy behind, and just plops around on his forehand. Getting him to maintain the canter around corners has also been tough.

His attitude was absolutely FANTASTIC today, "no" was not in his vocabulary, so I know something's going on with him physically. He responded to my leg, the motor just wouldn't engage.

At 15, and having worked all his life, it wouldn't be unusual for him to have some arthritis going on. I have just been so spoiled the past 3 years by a pony with no joint soundness issues; I've been avoiding the expense of a vet workup & medication.

But, with this more or less "sudden" inability to come through and push from behind, it's probably time. The vet is coming out for fall shots on Tuesday anyway, so at least I won't have to eat the farm call fee on my own. Dr. Liz, sadly, is now working for a different practice, so I'll have to work with a different vet. Blah.

Anyone care to share experiences? Or hugs? I know this is just a "normal" part of horse ownership and maintaining a performance horse, but it's really bumming me out!


  1. So first off, welcome to the 2 point challenge. I have a hard time commenting on your blog, the commenting section doesn't pop up half the time. Frustrating! My 14yo gelding needed hock injections and he did fabulous for the short time he had them. Sadly it wasn't his only issue which we diagnosed later.

    1. Ugh, I know. Sometimes it comes up, sometimes it doesn't. I think it's just the layout...but I LOVE the layout! I'm hoping we can do Pentosan or Adequan and not have to go directly into any joints quite yet, thank you for the optimistic words!

  2. Connor's my first horse so no help with that here, just wanted to stop by and say good luck, and thanks for sharing stuff like this. Every sport horse is going to need this kind of maintenance at some point, hopefully it makes a big difference!


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