Born To Be Wild

Spring, I think, is finally here to stay, if not a bit wet for my tastes. Thanks to a couple dry days in a row, I was able to get another ride logged towards my goal of getting out to trail ride at least once a month in 2017. Two trail rides in four months during the winter and early spring really isn't too bad!

Sully's Mom and I packed up the boys and headed out to the state park as soon as I could leave work on Monday afternoon. I was excited to go back for the first time since the fall, and couldn't wait to see Dino's face when I opened the trailer door and he saw where we were.

Taking Dino trail riding is like hitting the re-set button in his devious little brain. When he's getting bored of indoor lessons and grouchy about never going anywhere fun, a trail ride sets all to rights in his world.

And true to my prediction, homeboy was THRILLED to be back on the trail! He motored along, ears up and taking in the sights the entire time. We explored some new trails and Dino had a blast checking out the unknown territory. While we didn't encounter any actual jumps on the trail, Mr. Overachiever made some bold leaps over sticks on the ground just for the hell of it.

About halfway through the ride we got to our gallop spot, and we let Dino lead. He knew exactly where we were, and was off like a shot the moment I asked him to start running, leaving Sully far behind. A third of the way up the field, I felt him drop a foot closer to the ground and kick it up a notch. We were flying, I was laughing, and Dino was the happiest I've felt him since we were last in the hunt field.

We walked the rest of the ride on the buckle, Dino's back swinging and relaxed, his demeanor alert but confident. He was having a wonderful time, and tried twice to take me down another trail instead of back to the rig. Wonder Pony loves his trail rides!

It brings me so much joy to be able to ride out like this with my pony, and to know he truly enjoys what we do and that it benefits him mind, body, and little furry pony soul. And I hope more trail riding will make up for all of the ring work I still make him do!


  1. omg that sounds awesome. and it's nice that hes such a good boy for trail riding.

    1. Trails are Dino's favorite. He will babysit Runkle anytime!

  2. I need it to dry out here so I can do the same thing! Love those brain-resetting trail rides

  3. That sounds like such a fabulous day :)

  4. His expression says it all! Glad it was a good outing for you both

  5. I am sooo jealous! Even if we had trails nearby they would still be sodden right now -- it's STILL RAINING IN CALIFORNIA FFS. I can't wait to go for a good gallop!

  6. I'm smiling with you. Bless you and his fuzzy pony heart.

  7. Sounds like Dino had a super time!!

  8. Sounds like a great day! So nice that your pony and you found something you both love doing <3


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