Let's Go On A Trail Ride, We Said.

It'll be fun, we said.

And it was! New barn friend Kelby and I went on an adventure today. There is a big field down the road where the very generous landowner lets us ride, and since I want to avoid being a freak and over-schooling my pony before the show, I've been riding there exclusively so far this week. Kelby's horse Beau is just coming back into work, so we figured a nice hack would be the perfect afternoon ride for both of us.

It was fantastic, the horses were being absolute gentlemen, and we were having a blast doing trot sets through the field.

Until I decided that cantering would be a good thing to do.

Dino cantered off happily, and Beau promptly lost his ever-loving mind.

He bucked Kelby right off, and after turning around to see her on the ground and Beau running around like a fruitloop, I decided the best course of action would be to get off my own pony and go catch Beau.

Halfway through the dismounting process, Dino became highly confused and agitated and started bucking, catapulting me into the ground with a considerable amount of force. He then stood there, looked at me, and I could swear he said, "What are you doing on the ground, dummy? That's not how trail rides work."

So I caught Dino, and then caught Beau, and Kelby and I both had a good laugh and rode home; our horses walking calmly on the buckle the entire way.

Of course.

Tomorrow we have a jump school with Rachel, and after today's exploits, I'm actually feeling rather confident about it!


  1. Oh gee, you have a better attitude than me! That would have scared me ha.

  2. Wow! At least it seems like an isolated incident. Silly horses :) Glad you're OK!


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